Sunday, 23 September 2018

Serenity configuration and Execution

Serenity configuration

 Add Serenity .jar files in pom.xml (will download into eclipse IDE)
-          Serenity – core
-          Serenity – cucumber
-          Serenity -Junit

Code snippet:
2.1   Add junit .jar files into pom.xml
Add property file – (version of serenity and web driver)

2.1   Add Report generated build files

Creating a project using Serenity – Cucumber BDD – Maven

Create a Maven project in Eclipse

Configure the serenity and cucumber jar files in pom.xml
Refer Serenity configuration section (pom.xml)
 Create the Feature file under the project
Feature folder -> Filename.feature  (will write scenarios)

Copy the Browser .exe files (IE/Chrome/Safari/Firefox) into project workspace

Create packages and classes ( – URL and – invoke browser and -  feature file generated methods) under the project 

Process of execution:
-          Run Feature file as 
-          Once feature file runs, will generate the methods and copy the generated methods into the stepdefinition class.
-          Maven build and maven test

-          Run the Test Runner class

Once successful execution of scrip, the results will be pass and browser will close

The pom file

Herewith attached the complete .jar set up

<project xmlns=""



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Issues Facing During Serenity Configuration

  •   While build running the serenity in Eclipse IDE we should make to add serenity cucumber dependency in pom.xml file since we’ve separate serenity cucumber dependency.
  •   Make sure the Feature folder name same as the name mentioned in the TestRunner class.
  • The name of the stepdefinition assigned to glue will be same as the name of the stepdefinition in Test Runner class i.e., @cucumberOptions (feature = “Feature”,   Glue = {“stepdefinition”})
  • : Invoking test execution browsers should be mentioned in the file.
  •  Make sure that browser .exe file should be placed in project work space.
  • Whenever we’re updating the any dependencies through pom.xml, make sure that pom file should be cleaned (Run As -> Maven clean => will appear a message successfully build file cleaned) and then pom file should build (Run As -> Maven Build).
  • Clean the Project in the project workspace, if we do multiple updates in pom.xml file or file etc.,

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